The Left Has Lost Their Minds

I know, water is wet.  

Owen Wilson in the Guardian: (apparently some kind of publication in the U.K.)

Owen Jones

Unlikely to ever lose a job to an immigrant who swings a hammer but doesn’t know how to spell it in English.

Trump’s victory is one of the biggest calamities to befall the west and the effect is that every racist, woman-hater, homophobe and rightwing authoritarian feels vindicated. This rightwing populism can no longer be dismissed as a blip. Indeed, without an urgent change in strategy, the left – perhaps all progressive opinion – will be marginalised to the point of irrelevance. Our crisis is existential.

[Fun fact: In the U.S. we use the letter ‘z’ in words like marginalized. Blame Merriam Webster.]

Multiple factors explain this calamity. First: racism. The legacy of slavery means racism is written into the DNA of US society. The determined efforts by African Americans to claim their civil rights has been met with a vicious backlash. The exit polls suggest that Trump won a landslide among both male and female white non-graduates: only white women with degrees produced a majority for Hillary Clinton.

There’s s much accumulated bigotry here that it takes more words to refute it than I really care to give.

Wilson assumes a whole lot about Trump, his followers and also people who are “non-graduates.”  He means folks without college degrees.  We call them blue collar workers, or did until so many of them lost their jobs. 

Racism is not in America’s DNA, or it seems to be a really recessive gene in me.  My friends as well.  Degreed or not.  I’m struggling here to remember the sweeping statements which Trump spoke, or policies which he suggested which are racist.  Oh he sure stumbled when talking about immigrants in his announcement speech.  But did he say racist stuff?  Facts, please. Specifics.

And if controlling immigration is racist, then let’s get together a list of racist countries. Mexico is my nominee. 

Trump enjoyed support of white non-college folks because they are hit very hard by an influx of immigrant labor.  Nobody ever sneaks across the border and takes the job of a pundit or columnist.  It is true that not enough black folks voted for Trump, but that’s on them.

Years ago the Tea Party was labeled racist since not enough black folks showed up.  For months the movement was labeled racist in the press, and black folks don’t show up in large enough numbers to impress the press?  Only liberals could imagine such a twisted logic.

You heard Trump called every name in the book by the left: homophobe, authoritarian…and the smear will continue.  In truth, Trump is very imperfect. His problem is not that he doesn’t like women, but that at times he’s liked them for one specific purpose way too much.  


See another perspective on this essay, by someone who writes about UK and U.S. politics. Sam Hooper says Owen Jones Doesn’t get it.


Wilson says the left ‘might be “marginalised to the point of irrelevance…”  Funny, that is exactly what I heard about the Republican party on NPR just before the election.

I think the left has had its day, played its hand and bungled so many things.  I don’t care much for Trump, his clumsy way of losing track of the tings that matter, or even his treatment of women.  

But don’t you dare call America racist, homophobic, sexist or all these other things just because we exercised our right to stop the left wing global juggernaut. Lots of people lived through the declining global influence of the U.S., the declining economy here and the ridiculous social engineering being practiced all over the world.

We said stop.


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22 Responses to The Left Has Lost Their Minds

  1. gmhowell says:

    Just posted elsewhere: Trump actually didn’t do very well at all. He got fewer votes than McCain or Romney. But Hillary fucked up big time. And where did she really lose support from Obama levels: African Americans and Latinos. In addition, in parts of central PA (and, I assume, rural Michigan, Iowa, etc.), those ‘racist’ white voters voted for Obama more than Hillary. So a factual argument could be made (I would disagree with it) that Americans might be sexist, but they aren’t racist. More accurately, you could say that African Americans and Latinos are sexist rather than racist.

    But the most accurate argument would be: Hillary is an unlikable person by anyone, black or white, male or female.

    On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Dave Alexander & Company with David Edgren and Gus Bailey – The Artisan Craft Blog wrote:

    > Dave Alexander (formerly ukuleledave) posted: “I know, water is wet. > Owen Wilson in the Guardian: (apparently some kind of publication in the > U.K.) Trump’s victory is one of the biggest calamities to befall the west > and the effect is that every racist, woman-hater, homophobe and rightwing > authori” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Neal N. Bob says:

    As a libertarian, I very much look forward to hearing Republicans talk about their “first principles” in the near future because they voted against them across the board on Tuesday. Internationalism, free trade and government staying out of the way of business have all been thoroughly repudiated by the American Right, which is hilarious and sad at the same time. Everything that was actually good about the GOP had a stake driven through its heart

    Donald Trump is essentially Bernie Sanders with a team of engineers working on his hairdo. Both of them love huge, intrusive, stupid government. The things that people hope he’s lying about, he isn’t, and the things that you hope he was telling the truth about, he wasn’t. And it’s going to be hysterical to watch.

    Just as was true under the second President Bush, I suspect that we’ll once again hear the Republican choir about how deficits don’t matter when Republicans create them. Just watch, Trump will come out of the box with a trillion dollar infrastructure bill that will be universally passed despite no one having a fucking clue where the money is coming from.

    Anyone who thinks that tools like Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan are going to act as a check on spending are kidding themselves, They’re both company men, through and through, and Donald Trump just bought the company town.

    On Tuesday, Republicans almost unanimously voted for someone who believes that government can tell private companies where and how to do business and has displayed more outright hostility to free speech than any other major party nominee since Woodrow Wilson.

    Having said that, watching him sell you down the river on judicial nominations is going to be the joy of my life. If you think that Trump cares about life or guns, you’re kidding yourselves. He’s only been for those things because he knows that they’re what Republicans want to hear. Anyone who flips on fundamental beliefs in their late 60s is either lying or mentally ill.

    Here’s the secret. Trump has only been consistent about ONE thing in the last 30 years – being the conquering hero of a massive trade war that America will almost certainly lose, Where do you suppose that the natural constituency for that is? Bernie Sanders and the AFL-CIO. If you don’t think that he’ll screw you on the things that are important to you to get the things that are important to him, you just don’t know anything about Donald Trump. Remember “The Art of the Deal”?

    More hilariously, Republicans endorsed the view that George W. Bush is everything that Michael Moore described him as ten years ago. Maybe you’ll all get an autographed Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD in the mail.

    Liberals were liberals on Tuesday, apathetic, lazy and pining for their communist grandpa, Bernie Sanders, thinking that electing Clinton to stop Trump would give them the fucking cooties or something. But I’ve never expected anything different from liberals,

    Conservatives, on the other hand, sold their souls to a game show host who is probably going to make Barack Obama look like Calvin Coolidge.

    Conservatism is in the process in the process of committing suicide. I probably shouldn’t enjoy watching it as much as I will, but what are you going to do? Some guys play golf.


  3. Neal N. Bob says:

    On the other hand, it IS history making.

    The United States will, in all likelihood, have its first president sworn in freshly after being found liable for fraud. And after he takes office, a federal racketeering trial is in the wings.

    There’s always that.


  4. Neal N. Bob says:

    Final point. If you voted for Donald Trump, you voted for Brett Kimberlin’s shutuppery view of the First Amendment. They believe EXACTLY the same things on free speech,

    Sure, gays will have a harder time getting a goddamned cake, and I’m sure that make you all feel better in court as you defend yourselves against Team Kimberlin,


    • Paul Krendler says:

      Don’t mince words, Neal! Tell us how you really feel.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Neal N. Bob says:

        I’m MORE than open to hearing how I’m wrong. I really hope that I am, but I doubt it.

        If the President-Elect is even halfway telling the truth, his being a think-skinned prick could open a Pandora’s Box of unintended consequences that no one can actually recover from.

        It’s almost as “opening up libel laws” to go after the Washington Post and Jeff Bezos is somehow different than doing it for Aaron Walker or John Hoge, And Trump said he was going to do that on MULTIPLE occasions, Well, now he gets at least two Supreme Court nominations.

        Congratulations, America is Maryland now!


      • Neal N. Bob says:

        This is something I know a fair bit about. I live in a country with libel laws the way that Kimberlin and Trump want them.

        Now, there’s a better than even chance that you will, too.


      • Someone did point out that the libel laws are on the state level, not the federal, so unless he can convince Congress to pass federal libel laws (and the Rs who are in charge of both the House and the Senate aren’t really the same party as Trump) it won’t go far.

        We hope.


      • Gus Bailey says:

        I think you’re mis-applying motive to certain actions. I think a great many people voted for the “lesser evil”. Hoge said it best just before Tuesday; when he predicted that we would elect a loud mouthed liberal from New York.

        Trump was never represented as a bastion of conservative idealism or first principles (hell, the last four R nominees can’t claim that); rather he represents a repudiation of the establishment. I would posit that the entire election was a referendum on the status quo. The Dems put up their establishment candidate and the Repubs crushed their own establishment offerings in the primary. The baby may have gone out with the bath water, but to invoke Uncle Joe, eggs/omlettes, some assembly required. Ultimately, the American people told DC to do their jobs, not their fancy.

        p.s. Doing their jobs would preferably mean a lot of arguing, haggling, and lamenting with very little production.


  5. Neal N. Bob says:

    The controlling First Amendment law is a case called New York Times Co. v, Sullivan, which was a US Supreme Court decision.

    Hey, hasn’t the GOP made a big deal about appointing Justices who’ll overturn all manner of judicial precedents?

    Good luck with that.


    • You think HRC is any friendlier to the 1st? You think the sort of SC Justice she would appoint is?

      Trump named a list of 20 candidates. Go ahead and show me a reason to think any of them would overturn Times v. Sullivan. Show me any Federal Appeals Court that would even grant cert on a case dismissed or otherwise defeated on the Sullivan precedent. “Opening up the libel laws” was momentary bluster by an irritated guy who doesn’t know shit about libel law. He’s not even going to try.

      As to all the Republican principle blather…there wasn’t another option. None of the 3rd-party guys had a chance to turn out even as much of the as Trump did. Even if Trump had cancelled his campaign and vowed not to serve if elected, The right-wing vote would have been too split to defeat HRC. Trump, even though he didn’t poll well, still lost only a little under 2m votes compared to Romney, and there was no #NeverRomney faction of Republicans staying home, voting 3rd-party, or even voting Green or Dem. HRC lost 6.5m voters compared to Obama.

      So, were we supposed to choose someone who declared her absolute intention to do absolutely nothing we want, over a guy promising to do at least some things we do want?

      Fuck that.

      Liked by 1 person

    • agiledog says:

      And let’s look at my options:
      Don’t vote – Clinton wins.
      Vote for third party – Clinton wins.
      Vote for Clinton – Clinton wins.
      Vote for Trump – Trump maybe wins.

      So, yes. Donald Trump is a terrible choice. But he is better than the only other option I had. So we’ll deal with him. You can trot on back north and deal with Trudeau.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Neal,
    You are right of course, in many things you write. But this election was not a choice between a libertarian/conservative and a liberal/democrat. It was a clear choice between the lesser of two evils, and with a Republican congress, president and so many Republican governors, can you think of a better time to describe those first principles?

    Trump was the first choice of a wing of the party that chose wrongly, in my estimation. Sadly, no one else on the stage (were there 15? 20?) at the beginning had his flair, or bombast. We have not had a politician who could articulate conservatism — and stay viable. Part of that is ego, part of it is political machinations by the leftist media, and some of it is the face of politics itself. We need a conservative who can appeal to all races, ethnic groups and sexual orientation clubs. Someone who understands freedom is on the run. What the Founding Fathers started in the US is fading fast, in the haze of group politics, fragmented media, and even more fragmented personal experience.

    Still, we look toward Trump since he’s the best hope, not because he’s likely to do what we hope.


  7. Pingback: Insults are not an argument, part one hundred | Mind Shoved Ajar

  8. onwyrdsdream says:

    Does this enormous hypocrite realize he’s at least a thousand times more intolerant than the average trump voter? He is insulting half of an entire country.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. wjjhoge says:

    Our Bill of Rights provides protections not found in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom—and vice versa. Our First Amendment blocks government action that is allowed in Canada. See, eg., RWDSU v. Dolphin Delivery Ltd., where the Canadian Supreme Court used the Section 1 loophole to ban “disruptive” picketing that it found was otherwise protected. Section 1 has also been used to uphold laws against objectionable conduct such as “hate speech” (R. v. Keegstra) and obscenity (R. v. Butler).

    If President Trump sticks to jurists similar to the ones on his published Supreme Court list, I doubt that there will be any reason to be concerned for the sanctity of our Bill of Rights.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Loren says:

    I do think that this cycle’s primary season should cause parties to examine their procedures. Thoughts that come to mind are closing primaries, or “discounting” open primary results. And eliminating the idea of “winner take all delegates in a state.” Winner take all might work in a one on one primary contest, but with more than 2 candidates, it does not make sense to give all the delegates to someone who 2/3 – 1 of voters voted against.

    Liked by 1 person

    • In the case of an open primary, and a Republican who was destined to win…a loyal Republican could cross over to vote for the worst Democrat on the primary ballot. In theory, Dems could have voted to nominate Trump just to screw with the primary process.
      I don’t think it happened this year. Yes, we could change that.

      I already hear Dems saying the Electoral College should be eliminated, under the theory that Hillary could have one a “one person, one vote” election. I also think the Cardinals could have won, given three more innings. Cardinal Secola could also have won the Papacy given additional time.


      • Neal N. Bob says:

        The only problem I see with closed primaries is that the state taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for them when participation is limited. Political parties are subsidized enough already. Personally, i like the idea of a “jungle primary”, as California and Louisiana have. It’s fun to watch and it tests the strength of the candidates as opposed to the parties,

        Every losing American party wants to change the Electoral College. After 2012, there were a few congressmen who were toying with the idea of having its votes delegated by congressional district, as Nebraska and Maine do, because Romney could have won that way. Of course, the GOP also managed to lose the popular vote for the House by about a million four years ago, although they were saved by gerrymandering.

        Having said that, this is the second time in 16 years that the winner of the popular vote wasn’t reflected by the EC. Before that, there was 124 year gap. If it becomes more and more common, there could be a strong movement to abolish the Electoral College altogether, which would be regrettable. .


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