
If someone posted this Tweet about you, would you want to know what they meant by “security?”  You know, vague threats are still threats.

Oh, and if you’re reading this, and there is no Tweet above these words, it means the message was deleted by a serial deleter of Tweets, or Twitter caught up with his shenanigans.  For the record, here’s a picture I have saved:


For the background, Google Bill Schmalfeldt. He’s famous for his failed lawsuits, and poor reading comprehension. The Encyclopedia Dramatica has a neat trip down memory lane.

If you choose to comment, please remember that you and you alone are responsible for your words. That is also true of Bill Schmalfeldt, whose own writings tell a odd story.

The author is responsible for his or her own words.




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27 Responses to Security?

  1. This Other Latin F*cker says:

    And yet, despite all the warnings of impending doom, Schmalfeldt has lost all 7 lawsuits he’s filed and is about to have #8 shit canned by a judge before ever having served a single defendant. He’s also had at least 9 restraining orders granted against him.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. John “Minemyown” Doe says:

    Well hell look at that re-branded between 12:30 and 12:40.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. BusPassOffice says:

    What’s that lassie?

    Woof woof!

    Some fatso has a show cause for contempt hearing in two weeks?


    and now he’s pissing all over his hotel room?


    Liked by 8 people

  4. JeffM says:

    I provide a hypothetical. A, who has expressed animus against B, makes comments about B’s wife, family, and security. A does not live close to B, but living considerably closer to B is A’s excellent friend C, who is a convicted bomber now released from prison. Does B have sufficient evidence for a restraining order against A? Against C?

    Liked by 5 people

    • Remember to add in that A has recently been driving much longer distances than that currently between A and B. A claims that A’s car has died, and to have handed in A’s license and now only have a state ID, but A is known for, shall we say, memory lapses?, and one cannot take A’s word that A no longer has neither a driver’s license nor access to a vehicle. (Can you say Hertz or Avis, boys and girls?)

      Liked by 4 people

  5. Jeanette Victoria says:

    It seems my barnacle is upset; Twitter made him and his handler, anonymous coward @NicoleBonnet1 remove the half a dozen flashing GIFs aimed at causing someone with epilepsy to have seizures. Did you know you can still report tweets from a suspended account? I also got emails to take to local law enforcement from Twitter. So now Thomas A Mix the #VeroBeachCrybully posts this. Not very smart. But then these losers who think reading a public twitter feed is stalking!

    Liked by 5 people

    • This Other Latin F*cker says:

      The “tolerant” left. Not so tolerant are they?

      Liked by 4 people

    • Toastrider says:

      There is precedent; Kurt Eichenwald (a piece of work himself) is currently bringing charges against someone for sending him a flashing gif.

      Now granted, Eichenwald is a piece of crap who managed to out himself as a fan of hardcore tentacle hentai pr0n, but what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and all that.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Jeanette Victoria says:

        Kurt sent me an email, actually a few emails and his FBI agent contacted me as well…Kurt is so totally different in his email than he is online. Also his son is simply an awesome polite kid…so that counts for something.

        The #VeroBeachCrybully deleted all of his tweets, as far as I’m concerned that is a win, all of his tweets calling me a confessed human trafficker , criminal stalker, a pedo, a welfare queen etc is now gone. Hubby is still pissed and is looking into getting medicare to get Mix to cover my ER visit.

        Mix is now raging to Twitter claiming to be the victim. Raging about being called out on his “attempted murder!” Thomas A Mix’s tweet to Kurt Eichenwald shows he believes that posting a flashing GIF to a KNOWN epileptic is attempted murder. Yet he posted a half a dozen flashing GIFs to give me a seizure! Talk about being hoisted on his own petard! But like the Creeper, Mix has no insight. He thinks he’s the victim.

        Liked by 4 people

  6. agiledog says:

    If you choose to comment, please remember that you and you alone are responsible for your words. That is also true of Bill Schmalfeldt, whose own writings tell a odd story.

    Unfortunately, Bill Schmalfeldt has not been held to account for his words. Not yet, anyways….

    Liked by 6 people

    • Jeanette Victoria says:

      He will be eventually in this life or the next

      Liked by 2 people

      • BusPassOffice says:

        soon, very soon

        Liked by 2 people

      • Anonymous says:

        Weirdly, I now have this image of various mythological death gods trying to foist off the collection of Bill’s soul onto each other, like a weird version of ‘Not It’.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Toastrider says:

        Dammit, that anon post was mine. Forgot to fill in my name first.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Pablo says:

        Weirdly, I now have this image of various mythological death gods trying to foist off the collection of Bill’s soul onto each other, like a weird version of ‘Not It’.

        Like a game of “Hot Potato” with the nastiest object you’ve ever laid eyes on.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I noticed that Bill kept Gail out of this mess by not weaponizing her and making her his human shield and tag team partner. Yet his “soulmate 2.0” was brought right into the mix and made a participant with all the legal implications that results.

        If Billy goes belly up, she’s left holding Billy’s bag, so to speak. Is she prepared to go against Hoooooooooooooooge in court by herself? Brett won’t throw her any assistance, she would be on her own.

        Makes you wonder why Bill protected “Soulmate 1.0 “; but “Soulmate 2.0” is be treated like cannon fodder?

        Liked by 2 people

      • Paul Krendler says:


        There’s obviously an intelligence gap between Soulmate 1.0 and BallonSoulmate 2.0.

        I’ll let you decide which is at the upper end.


  7. LurkieLou says:

    Bill seems to lose anything valuable over time. Spouses, family, nice places to live, vehicles both gas and electric. I doubt he even has a soul any more.

    Now if only he could lose his damned computer.

    Liked by 4 people

    • LurkyLou says:

      Oh. Add to that list of valuable things he lost…his sanity, his humanity, any amount of empathy for anybody other than himself, and his neck.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. onwyrdsdream says:

    sort of the corollary to security though obscurity is “I’ll make you less obscure so you’ll be less secure.” Though actual power never comes that cheaply. Inside the target’s community their side of the story has more weight, and as for people outside their community, those opinions have little weight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Paul Krendler says:



      • gmhowell says:

        What if the target’s neighbor has a tax stamp and a device with a ‘fun switch’ at the right thumb?

        On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 12:12 PM, Dave Alexander & Company with David Edgren and Gus Bailey – The Artisan Craft Blog wrote:

        > Paul Krendler commented: “ISWYDT!” >


      • John “Minemyown” Doe says:

        @ gmhowell June 13, 2017 at 12:26 pm

        Is that a $450.00 tax stamp and can that fun swtich be oprated with the left or right thumb and or both at once?

        Liked by 1 person

      • gmhowell says:

        Why yes, yes it is.

        It’s funny. My wife (the one who is going to divorce me and take the house) had trouble sleeping with the noise of cars and other traffic while in suburban MD. (She works mid shift or night shift.) But, when my neighbor is playing in the back 40 early in the morning, my wife just shrugs it off and goes back to sleep. Neighbors who look out for each other are good to have.

        On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 1:39 PM, Dave Alexander & Company with David Edgren and Gus Bailey – The Artisan Craft Blog wrote:

        > John “Minemyown” Doe commented: “@ gmhowell June 13, 2017 at 12:26 pm Is > that a $450.00 tax stamp and can that fun swtich be oprated with the left > or right thumb and or both at once?” >

        Liked by 1 person

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