Can We All Just Get Along…

I’d like to, but me and my buddies keep getting called homophobes, Islamaphobes, bigots, bitter clingers and haters. 

Of course, I’d like to try:

From Biting the Bullet:5237fa14ca758cf188c479a15c3ad311

  • I am White, and the majority of personal interactions I have had with Black folks has been positive. Ditto with Hispanics, Asians, and people of all other races and ethnicities I’ve met over the years.
  • I am Straight, and the majority of personal interactions I have had with LGBT folks has been positive.
  • I am Pro-Gun, and the majority of personal experiences I have had with Anti-Gun folks has been positive (and no, not because I was packing .357 caliber worth of heat).
  • I am Christian, and the majority of personal interactions I have had with people of other faiths has been positive (though would probably sing a different tune were I to visit Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria).

The writer (MJM)  is preaching to the choir here at Dave Alexander and Company, especially in this part:

Folks on the Far Left are unwilling to debate…period! As soon as anyone starts saying anything thatFree Speech conflicts with their creed regarding feminism, race, LGBT, multiculturalism, religion and other pet issues, they do everything in their power to shut it down immediately. They bully the opposition with cries of “Racist,” “Homophobe,” “Misogynist,” “Islamophobe,” “Hate Speech,” etc., and then shout louder and louder to drown out the words they find so threatening despite in many cases not even having heard what they might be. — MJM

I’m not sure if we can overcome this last point.  We can’t just give up.  In my experience, some of the nuttiest lefties can learn to adjust their attitude, but it usually comes as the result of experience.

Some never come around to a centrist or right-leaning path.  Take a look at Facebook.  Do you cringe at some of your ‘friend’s’ ideas.  I know I do.  

As far as being called names, I won’t allow it. Bullies on the left need to be met with strong arguments from the other side.  I’m non of those bad things.  I’m an American who insists that words really don’t hurt you, speech should nearly always be free, and that just because my ideas seem new to you, I still have the right to say them.

Please promise today to stand up for free expression.  

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2 Responses to Can We All Just Get Along…

  1. This Other Latin F*cker says:

    Just look what happens to conservatives on college campuses. Sometimes they don’t even get to speak at all because the “tolerant” left promises to unleash violence if they are subjected to ideas they don’t want to deal with. Now I”m pretty sure that no one on campus is forced at gunpoint to go hear a speaker so maybe the cry bullies on campus could just, oh I don’t know, not go? Go have an ice cream with friends. Volunteer at the animal shelter. Go do something useful but don’t try just shutting down ideas you don’t like and probably haven’t even the foggiest notion about other then some other lefty told you they were bad.


  2. “Go do something useful but don’t try just shutting down ideas you don’t like …” They think that is useful.


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