More Tolerance from the Left

Just another blogger making the same leap as was demonstrated the other day in the Quote of the Day:

You get to a point, if you haven’t already, when you have to question the very value of free speech. Is it worth it to have racists marching around with torches and saying stupid, threatening shit? Is it worth it to have posters pasted up in colleges bemoaning the oppression of white men. “You’re not alone, white dudes!” I’ve always just assumed that free speech was a good thing. But I’ve started to myself ask why.

Is it a good thing to have unrestrained speech? Should speech be free? -snip-

You need to answer bullshit. You need to shout it down and say, that’s bullshit. You need to channel your Princess Nokia and throw lukewarm yellow soup on bullshit. You need to protest and call your community leaders and write letters and have difficult conversations with people in your life who talk bullshit.

The post was called “The First Amendment and Our Duty to Throw Soup.

There was an apparent racist event on a subway, which ended with thrown soup. Because that is exactly how you teach racists to act differently.  

Yes. Absolutely. Throwing yellow soup on people with whom you disagree is exactly the correct strategy. Because you don’t have fire hoses.


The people on the ground held unpopular, even heretical views. Birmingham, 1963.

Just in case I have not been clear, throwing soup, starting fires and shutting down speeches with violence (and threatened violence) is itself fascist. Racists are dumb, they are ironically “in the minority” and ineffective.  Oh, and violence, even soup tossing…is not the answer.


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5 Responses to More Tolerance from the Left

  1. What if it’s really terrific tomato soup? And it’s in a nice big bowl? And instead of throwing it, you just hand it to them? With a beautiful grilled cheese sandwich and a cold glass of milk? And smile at them beatifically and say “You’re an idiot. Enjoy your lunch.”

    Is that the answer?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. onwyrdsdream says:

    Just about anything can be anything can be put into an “Is it even worth it having ____” with 3 or 4 examples that represent 1/1,000,000th of the content, where the other 999,999 bits of content are valid and useful.

    You get to a point, if you haven’t already, when you have to question the very value of food. Is it worth it to have lard making us fat? Is it worth it having sugar rotting out our teeth and giving us the diabetes? “You’re a fatty!” they scream, but would I be without food? I’ve always just assumed that food was a good thing. But I’ve started to myself ask why.

    …goes on for 10 more paragraphs while missing the point that without food you’d die.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. crawford421 says:

    It’s chilling how angry “It’s OK to be white” has made them.

    Liked by 2 people

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