Women Birth Half the Population?

Why, that’s nearly 40%!

h/t Patterico

Who exactly, is birthing the rest of the population?

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7 Responses to Women Birth Half the Population?

  1. Toastrider says:



  2. Adriane says:

    Duh! The other half are adopted !!!!!


  3. onwyrdsdream says:

    Generally the more you give in to rage, the less processing time your brain has for anything else.

    For some, there was already none to spare. The quote demonstrates several things, most of which are covered by the above two sentences.

    If it doesn’t, though, the answer obviously has to be clone pods.


    • onwyrdsdream says:

      Looking back on it, did any of those hundreds of retweets actually read it? Or more frighteningly.. did all of them read it?


  4. agiledog says:

    She is demonstrating she really doesn’t understand where that whole “family” thing comes from.


  5. Gus Bailey says:

    Math is hard. Biology happens whether we understand it or not.

    Liked by 1 person

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