So Much Confusion

So little time.

UPDATE: Questions from a concerned reader:

1. Seeing as how you were still suing Ms. Palmer and Mr. Grady at the time you appear to have purchased this automobile and received your new driver’s license, how do you reconcile this with your continuing to be granted a pauper status in your lawsuit against them?

2. Were you going to bring it to that court’s attention that you had recovered economically enough to make such a large purchase and could now afford the filing fees and to pay to prosecute your own case?

3. Did the purchase of that vehicle cause you to drop your case against Ms. Palmer and Mr. Grady because you knew that an audit of your finances would show that your circumstances had changed?

The continuing issue in the Hogewash!/Thinking Man’s Zombie/BillySez/Craft Blog universe has always been should we spend any time on Bill Schmalfeldt?

When we do, he fails to learn.  Well, I mean, he seems to never come around to a commonly known set of positive pro-social behaviors.  The frustration we feel can best be described by the phrase often tossed my way by my older brother:

Are you bloody stupid?

I emailed Bill Schmalfeldt about revelations published by Paul Krendler at the Thinking Man’s Zombie.  According to Krendler, the guy who can’t work because of Parkinson’s disease, gave up his license in 2008, who can’t travel by train across country for a court hearing, and has been claiming near infirmity forever… Owns a car and has a drivers license.

Bill responded twice:


Here’s number two:

Bill TWO.png

This is not an answer, and unlike the strange situation where Bill thinks he can sent Tweets to Aaron Walker…I respect his right to tell me he won’t answer.  Fine.  

I’m pretty amused by the phrase “I don’t respond to cowardly, hiding trolls…”  Not because he chose to NOT respond to Krendler, but because he apparently sent this email to paulzkrendler.

Well, okay.  He does respond.  courtroom-artist


The idea that Bill has been ignoring me, Sara Palmer and even Krendler is not actually admirable, as Bill has continued his ways with other people.  

In Bill Schmalfeldt’s world, as long as Bill ignores you..then you shouldn’t say anything about the most asinine, cowardly and long-term lie of all.  Should Krendler or Sara or myself keep our opinions to ourselves since Bill hasn’t actually tried to do something bad to us lately?  In what world does that make sense?

His purchase of the vehicle seems to bear upon his pauper status.  He obtained a free lawyer on the basis of that claim. It’s not much of a car, but it cost dollars. Money he should have spent on a lawyer.

This issue also brings up Bill Schmalfeldt’s continued testimony that he suffers from a chronic condition, often used to excuse his impulsive behavior.  He has tried to garner sympathy with courts, with the general public and with all of those who read about him. Everybody who has read a syllable of Bill Schmalfelt’s online writing should now question if any of it is true.  

As long as Bill lies, as long as he tries to make the lives of other people miserable…there will be somebody pointing out what he’s doing.  And they will point, and laugh.

Like these guys in the comment section of Hogewash!





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14 Responses to So Much Confusion

  1. gmhowell says:

    The more time he spends dealing with lickspittles, the less time he spends harassing toddlers.

    Or driving.

    On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 6:00 PM, Dave Alexander & Company with David Edgren and Gus Bailey – The Artisan Craft Blog wrote:

    > Dave Alexander (formerly ukuleledave) posted: “So little time. The > continuing issue in the Hogewash!/Thinking Man’s Zombie/BillySez/Craft Blog > universe has always been should we spend any time on Bill Schmalfeldt? When > we do, he fails to learn. Well, I mean, he seems to never come around to a > common” >

    Liked by 5 people

  2. BusPassOffice says:

    Why would the DMV be interested in your medical condition?

    Medical conditions can cause symptoms that interfere with a person’s functional ability to drive safely. Examples of such symptoms include:

    Loss of consciousness Confusion,
    memory loss,
    inability to concentrate
    Impaired judgment and insight
    Severe shortness of breath
    Chronic drowsiness or extreme exhaustion
    Impaired response/reaction time
    Adverse effects or side effects of medications
    Impulsive behaviors
    Inadequate vision
    Abuse of alcohol and other drugs

    To ensure roadway safety, DMV may review a driver’s medical condition as part of licensing. DMV may require a driver to provide a Medical Examination ReportMV3644

    Liked by 4 people

  3. William Milkshakesphere says:

    You can call 311 (or 911) and report a driver that is accelerating and decelerating at random in a green ’99 Ford Explorer driving in St. Francis without explanation with the plate number.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul Krendler says:

      It looks blue (putt-putt) to me.

      And oh, by the way – just because the dimwit tried to send me an email, doesn’t mean he actually did, even though he’s sent to brainsrfood before.

      He’s simply an irredeemable bonehead.

      Liked by 4 people

  4. This Other Latin F*cker says:

    I wish Bill would explain the difference between him asking questions and demanding answers of others and Bill being ASKED questions by others. Why does he deem his questions legitimate but the questions asked of him are not? I am really curious if Bill could make a rational defense of his irrational thought process.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. BusPassOffice says:

    walkers deposition was very effective and devastating to Brett’s lawmakers and terrorism.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. one handle and stick to it says:

    4) Were court-appointed pro se attorney(s) at the Cavanagh Law Group aware of your failure to disclose sizable property on your In Forma Pauperis application? Did they approve of this fraud?

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Pablo says:

    Isn’t this the same DUMBFUCK that complains about people failing to check with him before publishing?


    Liked by 1 person

  8. BusPassOffice says:

    so twitter will ban the occasional child pornographer…


  9. one handle and stick to it says:

    I guess the questions a lot of concerned citizens have now are:
    (1) Did Billy actually follow the law and INSURE his bucket of bolts?
    (2) Was Billy truthful about his medical condition on the insurance application?

    Bonus question:
    (3) Since WHEN does a self-professed LiberalLad like Billy purchase an environmentally unfriendly SUV? Environmental laws for thee but not for me?


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